Memorial Mass for the Unborn

Teachers, system leaders, senior students, parents and friends of the Sydney Catholic Schools community are invited to the annual Memorial Mass for the Unborn, which will be held on Friday, 11 September 2015 at St Mary’s Cathedral. The Mass will start promptly at 7:00pm, and will include a moving candlelit procession of 82 candles, symbolizing the lives lost to abortion each day in NSW.

This Mass has been very well attended in recent years, and it is an appropriate way of marking ‘Life Week’, which will be held in all Sydney Catholic Schools in the week commencing Monday 7 September.

A promotional video has been put together by xt3 about the annual event. It can be found below, and at


Those wishing to attend the Memorial Mass for the Unborn should contact the Archdiocesan Youth Ministry Coordinator, Mark Smith, on 9568 8474, or by email at

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