Year 10 with Cardinal João Braz de Aviz

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Yesterday’s Year 10 student gathering at The University of Notre Dame was a wonderful experience for those who attended.

Cardinal João Braz de Aviz is the prefect of the Vatican’s Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. During the event he was engaging and enthusiastic, speaking with passion. Even with his address delivered in Italian and translated into English, he captured the audience. He was positive and told his personal journey of faith, and how his faith is continually on a journey.

“Our formation in faith, said Cardinal Aviz, begins in the womb and finishes with one’s last breath.” He reminded the audience, some of whom were members of religious congregations, that celebrating this Year of Consecrated Life has a triple aim, echoing Pope Francis, “of looking to the past with gratitude, living the present with passion and embracing the future with hope.” Cardinal Aviz said all the faithful are called to a life of holiness, consecrated to Jesus Christ.

The question and answer session was very positive. The Cardinal took many photos, and spoke with the students and teachers during lunch.

The event was a wonderful experience for all who attended.





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