Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday

20160621-natsicc-img-lgeThe National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council (NATSICC) has developed a number of resources to assist Catholic Schools in celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday on July 3.

For 2016 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday Resources, NATSICC decided to adopt the following theme:

Let the earth cry out to God with joy and compassion for all

This material can also be used by schools and parishes as a source of information about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues. It can be printed in school newsletters or prominently displayed around the school in order to engage parents and community.

A mail out to schools will include: Resource booklet, Bishops Statement on Mercy, Acknowledgement and Welcome to Country Brochure. There are a number of additional resources including clipart, a poster and slideshows available online at www.natsicc.org.au

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