The season of Lent is given to us each year by our Mother Church, to help us to grow and mature in the Christian life. It is
Elizabeth Arblaster – Parish Renewal Team, Sydney Centre for Evangelisation
an opportunity to make space for time with God in prayer, to strengthen our resolve and our wills, and to turn our hearts and
hands to the needs of others. We use this precious time to prepare our souls for a springtime of renewal at Easter: nourishing
our spiritual lives with prayer and good works, and pruning whatever prevents us from flourishing. Lent is a time of coming
closer to Jesus; of spending time with Him and following Him to the foot of the Cross so that we can also experience His Resurrection. The closer we come to Jesus, the more we will become like Him, and the more we will be able to witness to Him in the world. Let us sit at the feet of the Master this Lent, so that we can receive the grace we need to go and make disciples.
The Sydney Archdiocese has released a Lenten Companion, containing Gospel readings and reflections. You are invited to use this resource as you journey through Lent, towards Easter. Hardcopies have been distributed to Parishes. Please click on the image below to access the online version.