Jesus said to his disciples: ‘The kingdom of heaven is like a landowner going out at daybreak to hire workers for his vineyard. He made an agreement with the workers for one denarius a day, and sent them to his vineyard. Going out at about the third hour he saw others standing idle in the … Continue reading 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A
Category: directors-message
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A
1st Sunday of Lent – Year A
Jesus was led by the Spirit out into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. He fasted for forty days and forty nights, after which he was very hungry, and the tempter came and said to him, ‘If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to turn into loaves.’ But he replied, … Continue reading 1st Sunday of Lent – Year A
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A
Jesus said to his disciples: I tell you, if your virtue goes no deeper than that of the scribes and Pharisees , you will never get into the kingdom of heaven. ‘You have learnt how it was said to our ancestors: You must not kill; and if anyone does kill he must answer for it … Continue reading Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A
Seeing the crowds, Jesus went up the hill. There he sat down and was joined by his disciples. Then he began to speak. This is what he taught them: ‘How happy are the poor in spirit:theirs is the kingdom of heaven.Happy the gentle:they shall have the earth for their heritage.Happy those who mourn:they shall be … Continue reading Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A