Year of Consecrated Life

Year of Consecrated Life Logo [FINAL]Pope Francis has proclaimed a year to celebrate consecrated life, commencing on 30th November 2014 and concluding on 2nd February 2016, the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple.

The purpose of the Year of Consecrated Life is to give thanks for the many joys and fruits that consecrated life brings. The system of Sydney Catholic Schools represents a wonderful example of the legacy of this way of life. The vast majority of our primary and secondary schools were founded by a religious congregation, and today some schools still have the presence of these religious men and women working in them, especially in supporting the spiritual life of the community.

As a system of schools we have much to be grateful for, and the Year of Consecrated Life will provide an opportunity to express our gratitude and thanks. Various events will be held throughout the year to recognise and honour the work of those who have gone before us, and to acknowledge the tireless efforts that continue to be given by the various religious orders.

The first celebration was the Mass of Consecrated Life, held at St Mary’s Cathedral on Saturday 11th April 2015. The principal celebrant was His Grace, Anthony Fisher OP, Archbishop of Sydney. Many of the religious working in our schools were present at this celebration

For further information about the Year of Consecrated Life, please contact Mr Christopher Neaves on 9568 8118 or by email,

Marist Reflections

Marist Reflections

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