Archdiocesan Gathering Day – 18 May

20150514-ceo-banner-img-lgeOn Monday 18 May, REC’s, Assistant REC’s, YMC’s will gather at the Waterview Bicentennial Park, Sydney Olympic Park in order to listen to insights and updates from keynote speakers, and discuss issues facing Religious Education.

Speakers will cover the following areas:

  • World Youth Day & Youth Ministry – Robert Haddad
  • Keynote Address – Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP
  • Responding to the Challenges, and Setting Future Directions – Dr Dan White
  • Analysing the Results of the Student Survey of Religious Attitudes and Practices – Anthony Cleary

There will also be a Q&A panel featuring Fr. Michael McLean, Ms Elizabeth Denny, Mrs Sinead Kent and Miss Daniella Foley.

RECs and YMCs should have previously registered for this event via ELM.

The program for the day, and other relevant documents are linked for reference of participants.

Please be aware that the ‘2 hour parking’ is strictly monitored by park rangers and the two areas designated on the map below are the only unrestricted places to park : P10a and Overflow.

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