A Jubilee Year has been called by the Church, to receive a blessing and pardon from God. This jubilee year began on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary on 8 December 2015, and will close on the Solemnity of Christ the King on 20 November 2016.
This Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy celebrates the witness of mercy, and invites us to follow the example of God, as merciful, forgiving and loving followers of Christ.
This page contains resources designed to help you incorporate mercy into the lives of your communities. There are resources specifically designed for schools, and others that can be used in a number of different contexts. Our hope is that, wherever possible, you can use these resources to promote the Jubilee Year of Mercy throughout the year.
What is the Year of Mercy?
Reconciliation Resources
Short Act of Contrition Poster
A PDF of the short Act of Contrition, for use in schools. Printed posters of this PDF have also been delivered to Primary Schools.
Reconciliation Liturgy for Older Children
A liturgy for use in celebrating Reconciliation with high school aged children
Reconciliation Liturgy for Younger Children
A liturgy for use in celebrating Reconciliation with primary school aged children
General Resources
Year of Mercy ideas for school communities
A list of suggestion and ideas for incorporating the Year of Mercy into school communities.
A Spirit of Mercy
Reflections on the Works of Mercy – for individual and group relfection.
Stations of the Cross
A resources from the Archdiocese of Perth.
Official Year of Mercy Website
Official Vatican Website dedicated to the Year of Mercy.
Merciful like the Father
‘Merciful Like the Father’ is a new collection by John Burland and Gary Pinto, composed for the Jubilee Year of Mercy.
Blessed are the Merciful
Youtube clip of the official WYD 2016 theme song – ‘Blest are the merciful’.
Misericordes sicut Pater
Official Hymn of the Year of Mercy.
Decree on Indulgences
Information on plenary indulgences attached to devotions in honour of Divine Mercy.
Primary Resources
Draft Primary Teaching Resources
The linked Google folder contains resources for use in Primary schools. They are draft documents. Finalised versions will be uploaded as they become available.
Secondary Resources
Draft Secondary Teaching Resources
The linked Google folder contains resources for use in Secondary schools. They are draft documents. Finalised versions will be uploaded as they become available.
Draft Pilgrim Passport
A Draft Passport for Secondary students that enables them to reflect on the Works of Mercy they undertake. Final Version will be uploaded in due course.
Pilgrimage Resources
Sample Pilgrimage Permission Note
A sample permission note that can be adapted for schools when planning a pilgrimage during the Year of Mercy.
Pilgrimage Planning Information
Important information for schools planning pilgrimages for students.
Archdiocese of Sydney ‘Year of Mercy’ website
Prodigal Son Reflection
Prayer for the Year of Mercy
A prayer from Pope Francis, to be used throughout the Year of Mercy