Year of Mercy “Holy Door” Pilgrimage

20160427-holydoor3-img-lgeStaff from Sydney Catholic Schools flocked through the Holy Doors at St Mary’s Cathedral Sydney on Friday, 1 April to take up the challenge of Pope Francis, to “go on pilgrimage” to celebrate the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy.

The pilgrimage began at Mary MacKillop Place North Sydney. Pilgrims then moved to Mass at St Patrick’s Church Hill, then onto the Holy Doors at St Mary’s Cathedral Sydney, before culminating in a visit to the Ozanam Learning Centre at Woolloomooloo.

Annette Britten from St. Christopher’s Catholic Primary School, Panania said “The day was one of the best ‘Retreats’ that I have been on. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole day; … calm and peaceful comes to mind..










Another participant said the Pilgrimage gave her the ability “to open my heart to accepting others with faults and all. Not looking at their faults but the person they are.” And another said the day walking, “was a great way to reflect on personal thoughts and allowed me to really engage with others,” giving “A greater understanding of Mercy: God’s Mercy, parables of Mercy and being Merciful.”

These experiences resulted in a final comment that the Pilgrimage allowed one “to move more quietly; keep trusting and believing.’

The pilgrimage was the first in a series organized by Sydney Catholic Schools.

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