Guild of St Stephen’s Altar Girls’ Retreat

The Guild of St Stephen (the Guild) is an association for those who are involved in the ministry at20160624-st-stephen-medal -img-lge the altar. Through its activities, the Guild encourages all who serve at Mass and at other liturgies to grow in their ministry and to grow in their Catholic faith.

Guild National Conferences are held about every 2-3 years. Local Guild Conferences are held more often. A Guild Conference is a fun-filled altar servers’ camp. The 10-12 July Camp is the first one to organised for girls only.

The two themes of the 2016 Guild Conference are:

Various Vocations for Altar Girls


The Jubilee Year of Mercy

There are opportunities to take turns serving daily Mass and to experience the Prayer of the Church called the Divine Office. Participants learn to sing the Chants of the Mass and Divine Office. There are serving workshops to help participants become confident in Serving. And these are all taught in a fun and enjoyable way.

The retreat will be held at the Benedict XVI Retreat Centre (Grose Vale), which has excellent facilities for young people, and a purposebuilt brand new Chapel. There is an abundance of free time for recreation during which participants can use the sporting fields and swimming pool, and movies in the Hall. Archery and the Flying Fox (min age 10) costs extra.

More information can be found at

Click the image below to download the Brochure

Guild of St Stephen's Altar Girls Retreat 2016

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