The following ideas may help local communities in planning celebrations and commemorations of 200 Years of Catholic Education in Australia.

- Include an historical feature in each edition of the school newsletter.
- Organise a public display of archival photographs and memorabilia.
- Update and/or establish different honour/recognition boards. These might include: school principals, school captains, academic and sporting achievements.
- Display images of prominent ex-students, especially those who have excelled in particular fields of endeavour or who have contributed to the common good.
- Establish an ‘alumni’ association.
- Facilitate a range of social gatherings for ex-students of the school.
- Hold on event to commemorate the foundation of the school. Where practicable, this might involve displaying/publishing photographs of the occasion, and relevant media coverage of the official opening.
- Use the staff spirituality day as an occasion to re-affirm the place of ‘religious charism’ in the life of the Church and the local community.
- Find opportunities to engage with the religious institute that established/conducted the school.
- Liaise with your local council to organise a ‘school history display’ at the most appropriate local facility (library, town hall, council building).