Short course: Abrahamic Perspectives on Mercy

For the Year of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis, this Short Course provided by The Australian Catholic University will explore the understanding of mercy in the Jewish, Christian and Muslim traditions. The Short Course will be held on Wednesday evenings in May. Topics and Speakers Wednesday, 4 May: “Mercy in Judaism”, Dr Avril Alba (University … Continue reading Short course: Abrahamic Perspectives on Mercy

Angelus or Regina Caeli during the Easter Season?

The Regina Caeli is a Marian prayer synonymous with the Easter Season. Traditionally, it replaces the Angelus during this time. Some schools have asked whether they should adopt this during the Easter Season. There is no system position regarding this. Rather, this is a local decision. This decision might be influenced by the age of … Continue reading Angelus or Regina Caeli during the Easter Season?