On Tuesday the 25th June 2014, the Australian Catholic University in Strathfield was the venue for the fifth Annual Studies of Religion HSC Focus Day. This event was coordinated by the Religious Education and Evangelisation Team from the Catholic Education Office (CEO) Sydney and offered approximately 1200 Year 12 students and their teachers an opportunity to hear from expert speakers from a variety of faith backgrounds including Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Aboriginal spirituality.
Some presenters have made their presentations available to all HSC students, via RE Online. All presentations available accessed by schools, via RE Online can be used with permission of the author, as part of the National Education Access Licence for Schools (NEALS).
As presenters make available their presentations to RE Online, they will be made available on this page. If you are looking for the 2012 presentations, they can be found by clicking on this link. Some of the 2013 presentations are included in the list below.
Baptism – Sign, Symbol, Sacrament – Significant Practice
Bioethics in Christianity
Saint John XXIII – Significant Person (Notes)
Saint John XXIII – Significant Person (Presentation)
Paul Of Tarsus – Significant Person
Aisha Bint Abu Bakr – Significant Person
Bioethics in Islam
Environmental Ethics in Islam
Hajj – Significant Practice in Islam
Imam Al-Ghazzal – Significant Person in Islam
Sayyid Qutb – Significant Person in Islam
POST 1945
Aboriginal Catholic Ministry
Post 1945 (Presentation)
Inter-Faith Dialogue – Post 1945
Religion And Peace
Religion And Non-Religion
Previous SOR Focus Day Resources
Studies of Religion Focus Day – 2013
Studies of Religion Focus Day – 2012