Feast Days of Saints Ann and Joachim

On Friday 29th July, Regina Coeli Catholic Primary School Beverly Hills celebrated the Feast Day of St Ann and St Joachim; the grandparents of Jesus.

In light of this, the community took the time to honour their own grandparents and show their appreciation for the vital role that they play in their lives.

They are a blessing in our lives and many have a profound impact on the faith formation journey of their families.

“Between the earth and sky above, nothing can match a Grandparents love”

Each student was asked to bring in a photograph of themselves with their Grandparents and the students were then provided with a frame. On the back of the frame, each student wrote a message (either a letter, poem or prayer) for their grandparents.

On the Feast Day of Ann and Joachim, Grandparents were invited to a special mass, followed by open classrooms, where the grandparents decorated the picture frames with their grandchildren. This was followed by a Grandparents SPaR and morning tea.

“It was a lovely community celebration of the gift our grandparents are to us.”